I recently purchased the Blade Barber and couldn't be happier. Its small enough to fit in your pocket, easy to use and super convenient. Would highly recommend.
Matt Yakabuski March 18, 2019
I highly recommend the Blade Barber sharpening tool. I got the chance to use mine last weekend and it really works! High quality shopping from a tool small enough to put on my key chain. Service is top notch, Blade Barber accidentally sent me the wrong hollow on one of my items and quickly shipped out a replacement at no cost to me. I am living overseas in Japan at the moment and this tool is very useful to me as sharpening services are very difficult to get to. Tim and Peter are great guys and if you have the need for a tool like this I say don't hesitate and just buy it. For this price and quality it can't be beat!
Tom Napieralski January 9, 2019
This is the handiest tool ever for hockey players and skaters of any type. It fits into your pocket so easily you dont even know it's there. The surprising thing is that you get a top quality sharpening tool that's as good as any drop it off sharpening shop - really. Get two as everyone will want to use yours and eventually you will " lose" yours. Coaches throw 3 or 4 of them into the team hockey bag for a fast tune up. Highly Recommended.